6th Sunday of Easter

What’s your favorite meal?


On Saturday we had two First Communions and it is a joy for the children, catechists, CRE Director and teachers in both schools and of course me.


Third Sunday of Easter

The Road to Emmaus is a daily Journey in Christ

In our relationships, those intimate relationships in families, amongst loved ones, dear friends, often words are needed to open us up,


Easter Sunday

I share with you a beloved story by many. It is adapted and greatly shortened from Oscar Wilde’s short story called “The Selfish Giant”, 1888.  Please read the beautiful short story in its entirety.


Third Sunday of Lent

This weekend we begin what are known as the Scrutinies –sounds painful but it isn’t. It is a focused examination for our RCIA member.  For three Sundays of Lent we will have different forms of scrutinies from our process,


Second Sunday of Lent

Welcome growth in our faith family

One of the many gifts of Lent for our wonderful volunteers is to meet adults who are seeking to enter the church in a deeper walk with the Lord and us.

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