The Ascension of the Lord and Mothers Day

Divine Connection   Mother’s Day weekend and our celebration of the Ascension have something in common—they are both about remembering. For many of us we remember a love that never dies-a loving mother, many of whom at times struggle, sacrifice and from a depth...

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

All of us would like to believe that what we say should be judged on its own merits, but we know—actions speak louder than words. We can go to church, say all the right words, but sometimes our actions say something else. The accusation of hypocrisy is perhaps the...

3rd Sunday Ordinary Time Year B 1-21-18

The imprint of our faith   What I share with you happens frequently as a lesson of God’s imprint on those of us who believe. Last week, I went to visit people in our hospital. One of the patients was lying on her back, didn’t seem to be breathing and her...

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Open the door of your heart There are times when people come to the office on Saturdays or Sundays and when I answer, often it is a person in need of financial aid and looking for material help. I have learned from too many experiences that the right thing to do is to...

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

How many times must I forgive?   On this second weekend of September we have a special blessing for the parish as we celebrate the addition of our new St. Helena Memorial Plaza, our new meditation fountain with the life-sized statue of our Patroness. The sculptor...