
Being a disciple encompasses more than just asking Christ into your life. Conversion and acceptance of Christ is the beginning of a life of faith, and baptism is the door through which we go as we begin our walk of faith. Authentic discipleship springs from an encounter with Jesus, and is expressed through a life of generosity. Embracing discipleship—also referred to as stewardship—brings about a transformation of attitude.

Indifference is replaced by a deep conscientiousness as we begin to discern our unique gifts and purpose in life. We become more sensitive to the needs of the community, and we grow more committed to sharing our time, talent and treasure—and our testimony, our faith story—with others, in hope that they will also discover and embrace their own discipleship.

The St. Helena Catholic Parish faith family invites you to respond to God’s invitation to a personal relationship with Him and to use your gifts for building up the Kingdom of God here. Join us in making a positive difference in your everyday life.

Time and Talent

Discipleship is a lifestyle that reflects who we are and what we believe, and should influence our most basic choices including how we spend our free time and how we develop and use the skills and abilities God has given us. Discipleship is expressed in terms of daily living, not just as a formula for volunteerism. Learn more here.

Treasure: One of the ways Discipleship is manifested is through giving back from our earthly treasures, which reflects a spirituality that is deeply rooted in the person of Jesus Christ. Giving back has power to change our lives for the better, and to transform our deeply troubled world. As such, this spirituality of stewardship encompasses much more than silver or gold. Learn how you can help.

Testimony: A true conversion to Jesus Christ means we strive to see everything and everyone through Him –with new eyes. With such a conversion we gratefully acknowledge that all we are and have comes to us from God, including our very own life. Therefore we accept the responsibility of living moral lives as stewards of God’s gifts to be cared for responsibly and shared generously with others. Learn more about Faith Formation.

How Do I Become Catholic? I am baptized but have not received the Sacrament of Communion or Confirmation. What do I do?

Please contact the Parish Office and inform them of your desire to learn more about our Roman Catholic faith and discernment in your faith journey. We offer group classes called “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults” (RCIA) for all people wishing to convert. Our classes provide you with a spiritual, religious, and social framework within the history, teachings, and mission of the Roman Catholic Church founded by Christ. The length of the discernment period is based on your personal journey accompanied with others in their discernment, and our sponsors and teaching team. The journey begins with classes in September and concludes at the Easter Vigil in March or April. However, in all cases we respect and support the individual’s decision of discerning where God is leading the person. We do so within the experience of a welcoming faith family of believers.

You will be introduced to a priest or deacon, who will meet with you to review our program and other information including class times, sponsorship, and expectations and review the steps of formation into the Roman Catholic faith.

Catholic formation classes, are known as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults or RCIA. Classes include: the history, beliefs, and values of the Catholic Church being formed and converted into the life of Christ. We will review sacred scripture/Bible, the history of the Catholic Church, Sacraments including the order of celebration of Mass, what we believe and why, as we strive to live as Catholics in the world, and much more. There are also individual meetings with the priest over the months of preparation for dialogue and any questions you may have. Consideration is given to those who may have difficulties with the days/times of the classes for serious reasons, and other forms of education and faith formation may be offered.

During the class times and discernment process, we will journey with you to help answer questions, provide spiritual direction, and help bring you into the Roman Catholic Church through the gift of the Sacraments. For those who have not yet been baptized before or not in the same formula recognized; i.e., “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit . . . ,” you will receive all three Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion at the Easter Vigil/the Eve of Easter. For those previously baptized, you will receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation/Confession, Confirmation and First Communion (unless already having received Roman Catholic First Communion). RCIA is also for adult Catholics who have not received First Communion and Confirmation. All these “Sacraments of Initiation” will take place in the joy of the Easter Vigil, the special Mass held the evening before Easter Sunday.

Registration for RCIA begins in September, with classes starting in October meeting every Sunday following the 11:00 AM Mass at our Parish Life Center. However, please call our office if you are interested and have schedule conflicts or for any questions or comments or special considerations, please call our Parish Office at 707-963-1228 extension 10 and ask to speak with Deacon Bruce Miroglio or Fr. Manuel Chavez, Pastor regarding the RCIA program.

Our prayers are with you for an exciting spiritual journey and discernment in Christ,

Fr. Manuel Chavez, Pastor and Deacon Bruce Miroglio, RCIA Coordinator


Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift

(Mt 5:23-24)

Reconciliation, also referred to as Penance or Confession, is the sacrament in which Christ forgives sins and reconciles Catholics to God and their sisters and brothers in the Body of Christ the Church. It is one of the greatest healing gifts from our Lord. The sacrament is on Saturday afternoons from 3:45 to 4:15pm. Otherwise, you may make a private appointment with a priest.
In addition, a communal Reconciliation service is celebrated during the seasons of Advent and Lent.

Preparations for children to be prepared and celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion are coordinated through the Children’s Religious Education Department Contact the Parish office, volunteers are always welcomed and needed.